An accumulation of replies to multiple posts for this threat.
In a message dated 8/24/2008 10:54:51 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>How do you guys learn this stuff? So well?  I mean, it's not  like
something they teach you in mainframe school, is it?
We go to SHARE, where we share things, like knowledge, code, helpful hints,  
pitfalls to watch out for, sources of knowledge, doc, etc. etc.
We contribute to and study others' contributions to common sources of  
helpful code, like the CBT tape.
But most importantly, we all go back in time 30 or 40 years and start  
working with IBM operating systems when IBM mainframes were the dominant force  
there were no PCs or other such Toys-R-Us software [IMHO] to distract  us.  It 
takes a long time to learn all this stuff, even when we have lots  of help 
from helpful colleagues.
Also back in those Jurassic days there were IBM educational classes, and  
then later also Amdahl-taught classes, in how all this stuff works.  E.g.,  I 
attended a 2-week Amdahl class in MVS/XA operating system internals in  1985.  
don't think such classes are available anywhere anymore unless you  work for 
IBM, and they will send you to all the internal classes you need to  work on 
whatever it is they hired to work on.
>There's a  tiny bit of setup required that the docs either don't mention,
or I didn't  see  it.  
LR R6,R15
The way to debug your own code on your own, with no help from IBM-MAIN,  with 
your next problem like this is to start with the first instruction in your  
SRB routine, find somewhere in the dump or figure out somehow what must have  
been in R15 when the SRB code started to execute (some doc somewhere says that  
upon entry to an SRB routine R15 contains the address of the code to be  
executed), then simulate with pencil and paper the execution of each 
by looking NOT at the instruction (e.g., B    SOMEWHERE) but  rather at the 
assembled object code on the extreme left of each line of the  Assembly output. 
E.g, if it is a B instruction, then add the contents of  what you know (or 
believe) to be in the base register of that instruction to the  assembled 
displacement field in the B instruction, then subtract from that new  address 
value that was in R15 upon entry.  This will give you the  offset in your 
assembled code where you branched to next.  If that new next  instruction is 
not in 
your code, then you know you have your base register  incorrectly set or else 
the USING is wrong upon which the assembly was based  (those are the two most 
likely reasons).
I suspect your code was assembled without errors (thus letting you assume  it 
would also execute without error), you moved/copied some of it into the CSA  
location you had just gotmained, and the assembled offsets were all wrong for  
the new location of the code.  You can start such an "independent" piece of  
code off with one of the following, e.g.
USING *,R15 
       blah blah   
  - or - 
     BALR  R15,0
    USING *,R15
      blah blah
The first case assumes that some other code, like maybe the operating  
system, has correctly loaded R15 with the address at which this code is found 
storage.  The second case does not assume that, and initializes R15 so that  
following displacements will be correct when the code executes regardless of  
where it is located in storage.  This is an example of self-relocating  code.
Someone else, not Lindey, wrote:
>What are you doing to save and restore the registers that you get when  your 
code gets control?  don't you have to have an R14 to return to,  when your 
SRB routine is done?
You can save anything you want upon entry to your SRB code so you can later  
study what was in the various registers if you want, but you don't have to 
save  and restore anything in an SRB routine when you exit at the end.  When 
are finished, all you have to do is to arrive somehow at the one instruction 
in  the dispatcher where SRBs are supposed to return to.  One way to find it 
is  this:
         L         Rx,CVTPTR                                  Get address of 
         L         Rx,CVTSRBRT-CVTMAP(,Rx)       Get Dispatcher's  return 
         BSM  0,Rx                                              Return to the 
where x can be any general purpose register except 0
       CVT      DSECT=YES                                Get CVT DSECT mapping
It may be that R14 contains this address upon entry to the SRB code, and I  
would assume so, but I have never coded an SRB to return that way.  I have  
always used the CVT pointer to the SRB return address within the Dispatcher, 
that has always worked.  I use this technique because I copied some working  
code once from someone else's debugged SRB, and that's the way he did it.
And speaking of saving things upon entry, be careful where you try to save  
them.  Nothing is as it appears, either in politics or inside  computers.
>Which means my primary address space needs to wait for the SRB  to
finish, correct?
Not necessarily.  In the general case, it depends on what your SRB is  
intended to do, what your main code is doing next, and if there really needs to 
any communication back from the SRB.  In this specific case, your SRB  code is 
snooping in another address space and you want it to return data to your  
main code, so your main code will need some mechanism to know when the SRB is  
done and has good stuff to return.  A WAIT is one way, and in that case the  
can do a POST.  But do not code the POST in such a way that it  assembles 
with the evil SVC instruction (evil when in SRB mode).  You will  have to do a 
branch-entry type of POST.  And make sure your SRB is putting  its return data 
in some storage somewhere that your main code knows how to  find.  One way to 
do that is via the parameter you pass when doing the  IEAMSCHD.
Bill  Fairchild
Rocket Software

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