On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 12:49 +0200, Jürgen Kehr wrote:

> when I tried to use  the REXX GIMAPI interface (CBT778) I get the same 
> problem  which is described in an older maillist entry:
> The issue that I have is that it only honors the
> GIMSENTRY specification for the first item that
> matches the filter.  All further matches only list the
> default of sysmod_name and zone_name.

I know we keep harping on to IBM (et al) to provide us with
(documented !!!) APIs, but I have to consider this one a less than
outstanding success. And like the CSI, the documentation is (was)
average at best. Playing with it is about the only way to figure it out.
I seem to recall a year or two back I tried the assembler interface, and
even had a lash at the C sample when I was trying to get my head around
that. Don't ever recall having tried Rexx, but there is going to be a
fair slog involved in getting it to work generically methinks.

Good luck.

Shane ...

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