
AFAIK pull is the short form for parse upper pull, so it shouldn't make any difference to your version. What makes me nervous instead is the single quote in the do until clause ... : N'

Lizette Koehler schrieb:
Rexx is case sensitive.

Use                  PARSE Pull UPPER Answer

Then it will always be upper case and a test for Upper Case letters/words
will work.


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I make this:
do until answer = N'
    say 'Do you want to exit? (s/n)'
    pull answer
    if answer = 'S' then exit

I type s, but not exit of the do until?? Why?? this is a case

It´s correct??

more a question:
how i do to treat for error:
     10 +++  dec25 = date("B",year"1225","S")//7
 IRX0040I Error running CHRISTMA, line 10: Incorrect call to routine

the error ocorred when typed less four digits to year??
ex: year with tree or two or one digits
     200 or 20 or 2.


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Freundliche Gruesse / Kind regards

Dipl.Math. Juergen Kehr, IT Schulung & Beratung, IT Education + Consulting

Tel.  +49-561-9528788  Fax   +49-561-9528789  Mobil +49-172-5129389

ICQ 292-318-696 (JKehr)




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