Depending on the number of records in the input file, EXECIO may not be the
most efficient way to do this.

But you could create a new file with the new lines in it and then use
something like IEBGENER later in the REXX to mod the data from the original
file into the new file.

The reason to do it this way is to protect your original file from being
corrupted should there be a failure of some type (x37, 0Cx, etc).

Mod will normally add lines to the end of a file not to a beginning of a


> Hi
>  I have a requirement to insert some records in the beginning of a file
> where
> already some lines are existing . i tried using DISKW using MOD , but
> they are
> appending to the end. How do we insert in the beginning? I am using
> REXX for
> this program.

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