John is almost right, but you will only need one manual library.  Once a tape 
is SMS managed, he can tell the difference between the different tape 
I have done exactly what you are doing.  If you want to talk offline, I'll be 
happy to help.
Scott Rowe

>>> John McKown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/17/2008 4:08 PM >>>
On Mon, 17 Nov 2008 14:55:39 -0600, Pommier, Rex R.

>We're in the process of implementing some TS1120 tape drives on our z/OS
>system.  These will sit next to our 3590s.  I don't know if I'm missing
>something obvious or if there's something I need to do to make this
>work.  Here's the situation - which I know many of you have already
>encountered and successfully navigated.
>The 3590 tape drives and the 3592/TS1120 drives share the same device
>type that of UNIT=3590 with an allocation device type of 78048083.  I
>have set up esoterics to differentiate between the two.  I use UNIT=MAGS
>to point to the 3590s and UNIT=TS1120 to point to them.  This will work
>fine for differentiating on a new allocation, but what happens when I
>want to get at an existing dataset on a tape?  With the same device type
>on both tape drives, I can see the system requesting a TS1120 drive to
>load a 3590 tape because the system doesn't know the difference.
>How do I differentiate between the two on an existing allocation?

The only way that I can think of is to put the new tapes in a "tape
library". Now, if you're using an ATL, then make one library for the old
drives and another library for the new drives. If the new drives are not in
a library, then create a new library (and storage group) for the new drives.
Change the IODF to say that the TS1120s are in a "Manual Tape Library" (MTL)
and simply make up a LIBRARY-ID and LIBPORT-ID which doesn't conflict with
anything else in the IODF. Also create a new storage class. In the storage
class ACS routine, look for UNIT=TS1120 and assign the new storage class to
the allocation. In the storage group ACS routine, look for the new storage
class and assign it to a new storage group. Use ISMF to create a tape
library with the LIBRARY-ID and associate it with the new storage group.

Now, when z/OS detects that the volume serial to be mounted is defined in
OAM as being in the MTL, it will ask that the volume be mounted on one of
the drives assigned to the MTL (one of the new drives).

I cannot think of any other way to do this.


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