In a message dated 11/21/2008 6:24:02 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
>Well, this was one of the first IBM related things that popped up in  Google:
Be careful when reading through the text of a patent application.   There are 
certain words that are used inside patent applications that are there  for 
ancient, historical, and legal reasons and do not necessarily relate  exactly 
the real world of computers as we know them.  I suspect that one  reason for 
the arcane terminology in patent applications is to obfuscate the  
explanation.  "Plurality" is a good example of such obfuscatory  and archaic 
>"A method and system of emulating an input/output (I/O) device in a  
mainframe environment. A started task executing as part of the operating system 
gains control of I/O instructions directed to virtual devices by insuring that  
such I/O instructions cause interrupts.
The fact that the started task gains control of I/O instructions directed  to 
a particular device is what makes that device virtual.  If the started  task 
weren't doing this, then the device would have to be real.  The  started task 
could also intercept instructions going to a real device and do  things that 
would not affect the reality of the device; e.g., scan the channel  program 
looking for character string XYZ being transferred to or from the  device, and, 
if found, signal the operator, cancel the application,  etc.
One way for a started task to insure that such I/O instructions cause  
interrupts is to do what VM does; namely, force all software running on that  
processor to be in problem state. Then any privileged instructions will cause  
interrupts which this started task could then intercept.  If the privileged  
instruction is not one of the 15 or so that operate on I/O hardware, then the  
started task does nothing special with the intercepted instruction (although it 
must allow the instruction to execute, or else perfectly simulate what it  
does).  If the intercepted instruction is one of the I/O instructions, then  
started task would presumably look at the device involved.  If the  device is 
one that the started task wants to treat as virtual, then the STC must  do 
something special.  Otherwise it allows the I/O instruction to execute  
(either allow it to execute or else perfectly simulate it).
After having read part of the patent application you mentioned, I see a  much 
simpler way to cause an interrupt when an SSCH or TSCH is executed against  
one particular device, which is to change what's in the UCB field containing 
the  subchannel number in such a way that the subchannel number is invalid, and 
then  a program interrupt will occur when any I/O instruction (SSCH, TSCH, 
MSCH, etc.)  which has to specify a subchannel number as one of its operands is 
executed.  The STC would have to replace the program interrupt new PSW's  
instruction address, so that all program interrupts go into the STC, which then 
examines the type of program interrupt, particular machine instruction 
involved,  etc.
According to what this patent says, its software is not intercepting  channel 
commands (CCWs), but is intercepting machine instructions (SSCH, e.g.)  that 
are being executed against a particular device which the software wants to  
treat as virtual.
>The started task then hooks the branch point for such  interrupts.
This means it replaces the instruction address part of the I/O interrupt  new 
PSW so that an I/O interrupt will take you immediately into the STC rather  
than into IOS.  Then the STC has to make sure that no matter what the STC  
does, the status of the system will be restored as it was when the I/O 
occurred, and then it when the STC ends all its processing it must branch to 
the  location that was originally in the I/O interrupt new PSW.
>Upon obtaining control, the started task causes the I/O source to  believe a 
transaction with a predefined data space in a general storage area on  board 
the mainframe is actually a transaction with a physical  device."
Upon obtaining control, an STC can do whatever it likes with the "device"  
against which the intercepted instructions were being executed.
>Which led to the actual patent here:
>How this can be a patent I don't understand.  I thought patents  were for 
inventions, and copyrights were for software. 

Bill  Fairchild
Rocket Software
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