You have hit upon the correct solution, change the Management Class.
I suggest the use of PRIMARY DAYS and LEVEL1 DAYS in lieu of
"generations on primary". 

If the "generations on primary" setting causes the GDG to be held on
primary for more that Level1 days, this could cause your situation. When
the dataset is finally eligible for migration due to "generations on
primary" is has exceeded Level1 days, and will thus go directly to ML2,
in your case, tape.

If the "generations on primary" is set to a small number or blank, the
dataset may be eligible for migration in less than Level 1 days, the
dataset will make an interim stop at ML1 until Level 1 days has expired
and then move to ML2.

After you make this change, ensure you have sufficient ML1 space to hold
the additional data.

BTW, I do not think you can direct some ML2 to tape and some to disk.
IIRC it is all or nothing. Existing ML2 data on tape will remain there,
but new ML2 data will go to the tape or disk as specified in the SETSYS
command. Recycle output will go to the destination specified in SETSYS


Hi Listers,

We would like to reduce the tape utilisation of HSM by adding more DASD

The question is whether to add more as ML1 or add some as ML2.

If we just add more as ML1 then I don't see too much benefit. Currently
there is not much migration occurring ML1 to ML2 on a daily basis.

Approx 75% of all migration is Primary direct to ML2 tape. I believe
this is mostly GDS datasets migrating due to "generations on primary"
setting in the management class.

Is anybody mixing DASD and TAPE for ML2? If so how do you control the
migration? We don't want to convert all our ML2 to tape.

Alternatively, is there a way to force these direct Primary to ML2
migrations to be directed to ML1 instead of ML2?

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