>In SDSF  "INPUT ON" will show you the //SYSIN DD *  lines for a job on the 
>input or executing queues. But NOT the output queue. 
>Is there any way to show what is between the //SYSIN DD * ... and /* lines 
>when using TYPRUN=SCAN?           
>I do not have CA's or other JCL analysis programs, only IBM 'vanilla' 
>I know I could look at the input JCL and see it right there, but there is 
>a couple of thousand jobs involved here, and I would to find a better way. 

So I guess I would be curious as to what you are working on?
Are you looking for validating JCL and scanning for certain text in the SYSIN?

TYPRUN=SCAN is only JCL checking and so will not really "show" the output of 
the SYSIN.  Yes, in SDSF the SJ command can show it, but you indicate there are 
a couple of thousand jobs.  So I am guessing you are looking for a REXX SDSF 
process to do "something".  Can you elaborate?


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