On 13 July 2012 12:10, Paul Gilmartin <paulgboul...@aim.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 13 Jul 2012 08:39:37 -0700, Charles Mills wrote:
> >I mean, gee, SIGILL is documented as "Invalid object module (hardware and
> >software)."
> >
> I didn't know that!  SIGKILL is routinely used from command lines as an
> unconditional cancel, because SIGKILL can't be caught.  Don't trouble
> yourself with writing a handler for it.

Mightn't that be sigILL, as in Illegal? That sounds like a reasonable match
to a program check 1.

And there's this strange escalation of MVS operator commands.  At

> first, the S222 from a CANCEL command couldn't be caught.  But
> someone saw a requirement to catch CANCEL (what's wrong with
> MODIFY or STOP?)  So, now S222 can be caught.  So they had to
> invent FORCE for programs that ignored CANCEL (and other reasons).
> FORCE can't be caught.  I'm waiting breathlessly for the next round.

Catching an S222 was possible from the very first release of MVS (OS/VS2
R2). But it has never been possible to retry it - you can do as much work
as you like in your ESTAE exit itself, but you can't get back to the

FORCE is most certainly not just a stronger form of CANCEL - it's a
different beast entirely. FORCE calls memterm, which takes out the entire
address space. This may not be a big thing when translated into UNIXy terms
- so you kill a process, ho, hum - but in MVS terms it can have bad
results, loss of global resources, etc.

Tony H.

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