Ed Gould wrote:

>...we had to write a program that converted DJDE records the the format of the 
>3800 records (its been ages (4a?) ) 

Gosh! I totally forgot about that DJDE records! My, oh my, how the time flies! 
That was interesting technology, but now not in use these days... I remember 
the fun when I had to deal with them too...

>we were not even sure we could do it and they were there on the floor staring 
>at us. 

I feel your pain... I know how it feel when 'they' say 'fix this and hurry up, 
the customers are already mad!' [1] ;-D

> ... Although this time he got caught with his hands in the vendors pocket and 
> he got fired.

Uh oh... Was he also part of the team who needs to decide who should be 
assigned as 'vendor'? 

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

[1] - My boss once tried out to change a proc for VTAM. He changed the REGION 
and asked the ops to IPL, unscheduled of course. Of course VTAM refused to come 
up and ops and the same boss just looked at me... It was those days when DASDs 
are not shared, so that proc is out of my reach... Thats how I learned to use 
'S VTAM,keyword=option'. ;-D

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