On Tue, 23 Oct 2012 19:03:25 -0500, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

>In <0461273688451840.wa.m42tomibmmainyahoo....@listserv.ua.edu>, on
>   at 07:56 AM, Tom Marchant <m42tom-ibmm...@yahoo.com> said:
>>I do see  where it has, "The Pack instruction does not check
>>zones, except in  the rightmost byte..."  It doesn't check the
>>rightmost zone, but it does  move it.  Is that what you mean?
>The one that I'm thinking of was around for several
>years and "simplified" the explanation in PoOps by claiming that the
>instructions only operated on decimal data. That made it hard for them
>to understand the code for translating between binary and hex.

I see what you mean.  The book does have a simplified explanation of 
the instructions, and only mentions using them for for converting 
between zoned and packed decimal.  I don't see where it claims that 
it is the only use for them, though.  In any case, when I took an 
assembler class in 1969, we used two books, the student text and 
the Principles of Operation.

Tom Marchant

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