Somewhat oversimplified, a console receives anything with matching routing 
codes and can do anything permitted by its authority. The authority is 
controlled by the console definition and by security profiles in, e.g., RACF.

The issue that may affect you is the VM environment. What happens to the 
virtual HMC messages if the operator is diconnected? What happens to the 3270 
output if nobody is dialed in? What happens if someone does a #CP DISC instead 
of a #CP RESET on the virtual 3270?

See z/OS Version 2 Release 4 MVS Planning: Operations, SA23-1390-40.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of 
Alan Altmark []
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2020 1:13 PM
Subject: MVS master consoles

Hi.  I'm learning some things about MVS consoles.    I have both the PD
console (SYSCON - aka Operating System Messages task on the HMC) and a
local 3270 console (named MVSMAST) active.  Both have all routing codes
assigned.  This is in a virtual machine, so SYSCON works with the #CP
VINPUT VMSG command and displays line mode output.

Will both receive all messages and can either one respond to system action

What I really don't want is for use of the 3270 console to interfere with
what's going on with SYSCON.   Someone DIALs into the 3270 console and all
of sudden the PD console stops getting messages or some such.  As you can
tell, there's a lot about MVS console management I don't grok.  I've
looked in the books, of course, but all that did was confuse me a bit
more.  It assumed I already understood various aspects of how consoles

I know I can vary MVSMAST inactive at system startup and require them to
activate it manually via #CP VINPUT VMSG, but that seems like mean thing
to do if I can be assured that it's presence won't materially affect
messages appearing on the PD console and it's ability to respond to any
action messages it sees.  (Yup, might be a race between human and machine,
but I expect the machine to win that race.)

Alan Altmark
Senior Managing z/VM and Linux Consultant
IBM Systems Lab Services
Phone: 607-429-3323 | Mobile: 607-321-7556
          Endicott, NY  USA

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