> Could some let me know how this can be done using SORT (DFSORT) jcl.


Your shop has other competitive product to DFSORT and yet you request the
solution for DFSORT.  The control cards may run fine with both products,
but the least you can do is mention the right product. Moreover this is one
of the simplest task.  Here is a hint for you.  Look up the use of "/"
operator on OUTFIL which lets you split a record into multiple records.

/, n/ and /.../ can be used in the BUILD, OUTREC, or IFTHEN BUILD
parameters of the OUTFIL statement, but not in the OVERLAY or IFTHEN
OVERLAY parameters of the OUTFIL statement, or in any parameters of the
INREC and OUTREC statements. If n/ is used at the start or end of the
BUILD, OUTREC or IFTHEN BUILD parameters, n blank lines are inserted. If n/
is used in the middle of the BUILD, OUTREC or IFTHEN parameters, n-1 blanks
lines are inserted.

DFSORT documentation link


DFSORT Development
IBM Corporation

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