RECFM=U works fine with FTP.  MODE B and TYPE E are your best friends for 
FTPing between mainframes.

That said, I would never FTP hundreds of GB between LPARs with shared DASD.  
Just dump/restore and done.  As far as I know, FTP doesn't work with VSAM (PS-E 
is fine though), so you'll have to dump/restore (with or without FTP) 
anyway--or do some catalog and SMS work.

First Horizon Bank
Mainframe Technical Support

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of R.S.
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: Copying Extended format datasets between partitions

[External Email. Exercise caution when clicking links or opening attachments.]

Because of reasons. ;-)
Seriously: it is better to make it simpler and faster.

Your method: dump, ftp, restore.
Other methods: a) dump, restore. b) copy.
Which is faster?
Which consume less CPU?
Which require less disk space for intermediate copies?

Not to mention issues with RECFM=U and ftp.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 14.07.2020 o 15:26, Joe Monk pisze:
> Why not just dump them, FTP the dump file between the two partitions, 
> then restore the dump file?
> Joe
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 8:11 AM R.S. <> wrote:
>> Well, that change the perspective. It's a pity you didn't mention it 
>> before ;-) In this case one step is better (faster) than two-step 
>> approach.
>> However in this case you should share catalog (BCS). Then you can try 
>> to share storage group.
>> Or do it from target system - you still need to share volumes and 
>> BCS, but you can read datasets from "foreign" volumes and write them 
>> to target volume.
>> Caution: sharing catalog usually means unique dataset names. Do you 
>> accept dataset rename, i.e. change of HLQ?
>> Of course it is possible to rename dataset names after that or maybe 
>> use some paths and aliases.
>> Another approach is to divide the task. You submit dump of first 
>> part, then submit restore on target. Then submit second part dump, 
>> and after that restore... It's still two-step, but temporary storage 
>> is not so big. Or use tape...
>> --
>> Radoslaw Skorupka
>> Lodz, Poland
>> W dniu 14.07.2020 o 12:44, Gadi Ben-Avi pisze:
>>> Thanks
>>> I guess I'll have to bite the bullet. It's 393GB of files.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On
>> Behalf Of R.S.
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 1:23 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Copying Extended format datasets between partitions
>>> You cannot do it.
>>> Both datasets require to be DFSMS-managed and then cataloged.
>>> So you have to share the catalog (BCS), otherwise you will get error 
>>> or
>> uncataloged datasets on SMS volume, which is also not the best idea.
>>> Another method: dump you datasets to PS file on shared volume. Then
>> restore it on target system. Much easier and less error-prone.
>>> --
>>> Radoslaw Skorupka
>>> Lodz, Poland
>>> W dniu 14.07.2020 o 12:06, Gadi Ben-Avi pisze:
>>>> HI,
>>>> I have to copy extended format (PS-E and VS-E) datasets between
>> partitions.
>>>> The partitions share DASD but do not share anything else.
>>>> They have different SMS configurations.
>>>> The same Storage Group is defined in both partitions, but each
>> partition has different volumes.
>>>> I've been copying datasets between partitions like these for a 
>>>> while
>> using this DFSMSdss copy command:
>>>>       INCLUDE( -
>>>>       SYS1.IOA.V919.LNKLST -
>>>>       SYS1.IODF24.CLUSTER -
>>>>       )) -
>>>>       REPLACE    -
>>>>       TOL(ENQF) -
>>>>       BYPASSACS(**) -
>>>>       NULLSTORCLAS  -
>>>>       PROCESS(SYS1)  -
>>>>       ALLDATA(*) ALLEXCP -
>>>>       OUTDYNAM(Z23R01) -
>>>>       SHARE
>>>> The catalog in the RECATALOG parameter is the catalog for the
>> destination partition.
>>>> Does anyone have an idea how to do this for SMS managed extended 
>>>> format
>> datasets?


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