We have a zCX instance up and running and have created a Docker ID (Docker admin ID, not a Docker User).  We are trying to pull an image from our internal docker repository but are getting a certificate error.    I have our internal corporate root cert (and intermediate cert) defined when I defined the zCX instance.

Can we specify a different location for our certs when signed into the Docker admin ID when using the Pull command?  Or am I missing something in the config.  There are no firewalls/proxies between our internal docker hub and the zCX instance

(I’ve scrubbed the server names)

The curl command works.

curl -vv -s https://our_server.com/v2/

But the docker pull command fails.

Error response from daemon: Get https://our_server.com/v2/ <https://our_server.com/v2/>: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority


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