On Wed, 9 Sep 2020 13:15:43 -0700, Sri h Kolusu wrote:
>VLSCMP tells DFSORT that you want to temporarily replace any missing
>compare field bytes with binary zeros, thus allowing the short fields to be
>validly compared (the binary zeros are not kept for the output records).
>So use the following control cards
>OMIT COND=(21,8,CH,NE,C'TYPE 200')
>So any records that do NOT contain the string "TYPE 200" will be OMITTED.
Suppose the programmer wishes to compare to binary zeroes, as
    INCLUDE COND=(21,1,CH,EQ,X'00')
... but only if the record is at least 21 characters long and has an
actual X'00' in column 21?  Do AND and OR help?

Are complicated Boolean expressions supported?  I'm imagining
something I might code in Rexx such as:
    surname='Roosevelt' & ( forename='Theodore' | forename='Franklin' )

-- gil

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