What I have may not be the best.  This is my first attempt at this.  
And, I'm no expert in this area.  If you see things that I shouldn't
be using, please let me know.  This is what I cobbled together
from the zOSMF Network thing, and Googling.  So, please be
kind in your criticism.

TTLSRule                          FTPRule
   LocalPortRange                 0
   Direction                      Both
   TTLSGroupActionRef             FTPGroup
   TTLSEnvironmentActionRef       FTPEnvironment
   TTLSConnectionActionRef        FTPConnectAct
TTLSGroupAction                   FTPGroup
   TTLSEnabled                    On
   Trace                          254
TTLSEnvironmentAction             FTPEnvironment
   HandshakeRole                  ServerWithClientAuth
      Keyring                     /usr/local/certificates/BCI.kdb
      KeyringStashFile            /usr/local/certificates/BCI.sth
TTLSConnectionAction              FTPConnectAct
   TTLSConnectionAdvancedParmsRef FTPAdvPrm
   Trace                          254
TTLSConnectionAdvancedParms       FTPAdvPrm
      SecondaryMap                On
      ApplicationControlled       On
      TLSv1                       On
      TLSv1.1                     On
      TLSv1.2                     On

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Marshall Stone
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] z/OS 2.4 and FTP server with FTP ATTLS verifying client 

[External Email. Exercise caution when clicking links or opening attachments.]

Reply with your PAGENT rules for FTPS - you need a client and a server rule

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 10:43 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] z/OS 2.4 and FTP server with FTP ATTLS verifing client 

I've been working with z/OS 2.4's FTP server using AT-TLS with certificates for 
the last few days.  PAGENT is setup, and it seems to be functioning correctly.  
I've finally gotten to the point of the client sending in a certificate and 
logging on without having to specify a password, which is what I wanted.
I'm using Core FTP LE as my ftp client.

I'm almost through the door, so to speak, but when I get to the point of 
getting a directory listing on Core FTP, on the z/OS side I get this error.

protDataConnAttls: ioctl() failed on SIOCTTLSCTL - EDC8148I Protocol error. 

At this point the TLS negotiation fails, and the data connection is closed.  
Below the EDC8148I message text are my FTP Server options.  One more piece of 
information, z/OS 2.4 is running under VM.

Looking up EDC8184I,

EDC8148I   Protocol error.

A protocol error occurred. This error is device-specific, but is usually not 
caused by a hardware failure.

System action

The request fails. The application continues to run.

Programmer response

Proceed with cleanup of the application resources, and then close the socket. 
When the socket has been freed, the application may begin the process again.

My z/OS FTP server options are,


EXTENSIONS        AUTH_TLS          ; Enable TLS authentication
                                    ; Default is disabled.

SECURE_FTP        ALLOWED           ; Authentication indicator
                                    ; ALLOWED        (D)
                                    ; REQUIRED

SECURE_LOGIN      VERIFY_USER       ; Authorization level indicator
                                    ; for TLS
                                    ; NO_CLIENT_AUTH (D)
                                    ; REQUIRED
                                    ; VERIFY_USER

SECURE_PASSWORD   OPTIONAL          ; REQUIRED (D) - User must enter
                                    ; OPTIONAL - User does not have to
                                    ;     enter a password
                                    ; This setting has meaning only
                                    ; for TLS when implementing client
                                    ; certificate authentication
SECURE_CTRLCONN   PRIVATE           ; Minimum level of security for
                                    ; the control connection
                                    ; CLEAR          (D)
                                    ; SAFE
                                    ; PRIVATE

SECURE_DATACONN   PRIVATE           ; Minimum level of security for
                                    ; the data connection
                                    ; NEVER
                                    ; CLEAR          (D)
                                    ; SAFE
                                    ; PRIVATE

SECURE_PBSZ       16384             ; Kerberos maximum size of the
                                    ; encoded data blocks
                                    ; Default value is 16384
                                    ; Valid range is 512 through 32768

SECURE_SESSION_REUSE  REQUIRED      ; Specify whether session reuse is
                                    ; required when SSL/TLS is being
                                    ; used to protect the connections
                                    ; ALLOWED        (D)
                                    ; OPTIONAL - User does not have to
                                    ;     enter a password
                                    ; This setting has meaning only
                                    ; for TLS when implementing client
                                    ; certificate authentication
 CIPHERSUITE       SSL_NULL_MD5      ; 01
 CIPHERSUITE       SSL_RC4_MD5_EX    ; 03
 CIPHERSUITE       SSL_RC4_MD5       ; 04
 CIPHERSUITE       SSL_RC4_SHA       ; 05
 CIPHERSUITE       SSL_RC2_MD5_EX    ; 06
 CIPHERSUITE       SSL_DES_SHA       ; 09
 CIPHERSUITE       SSL_AES_256_SHA   ; 35

KEYRING /usr/local/certificates/BCI.kdb ; Name of the keyring for TLS
                                    ; It can be the name of an HFS     x
                                    ; file (name starts with /) or
                                    ; a resource name in the security
                                    ; product (e.g., RACF)
TLSTIMEOUT        100               ; Maximum time limit between full
                                    ; TLS handshakes to protect data
                                    ; connections
                                    ; Default value is 100 seconds.
                                    ; Valid range is 0 through 86400

TLSRFCLEVEL       DRAFT             ; Specify what level of RFC 4217,
                                    ; On Securing FTP with TLS, is
                                    ; supported.
                                    ; DRAFT    (D) Internet Draft level
                                    ; RFC4217      RFC level

TLSCERTCROSSCHECK TRUE              ; Specify TLS certificate
                                    ; cross-checking
                                    ; TRUE (D) - cross-checking is
                                    ;            enabled
                                    ; FALSE    - cross-checking is
                                    ;            disabled

SECUREIMPLICITZOS TRUE              ; Specify when the FTP server
                                    ; expects the security handshake
                                    ; to occur.
                                    ; TRUE  (D)  FTP server expects
                                    ; security handshake to occur after
                                    ; it sends the reply 220.
                                    ; FALSE  FTP server expects
                                    ; the security handshake before
                                    ; it sends the reply 220.

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