On 30/10/2020 12:58 am, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

I suspect he's confusing "address space" with "execution environment":

If you're referring to me: it's possible, but I don't think so.

Referring to the comparison of bash and /bin/sh I linked previously, I can see the address space from the job number field in SMF.

The main bash process runs in STC06733 (a BPX initiator address space). If I look at e.g the setfacl command I can see STC06734 (i.e. a different address space) initially runs bash, but then sub step 0 ends and sub step 1 starts, running the setfacl command.

That appears to be a fork of bash followed by exec of setfacl in a new sub step as described here:

If I compare /bin/sh:
The top level SH is running in STC06733.
setfacl runs in STC06736, sometimes STC06737. It is sub step 0 - there is no sub step for the shell. There is one SH step for each iteration of the loop - I think this is the pipe. The mkdir steps seen under bash disappear completely - I guess it is built into the shell.

When I tried with _BPX_SHAREAS all the individual steps for the shell commands disappeared, except for the SH step


Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software

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