"BTW: Few questions
Where can I read about VSAM SHR (4 x)?
Was SHR (4 x) available on MVS or its predecessor?
Is there any "introduction" of VSE disks usage, datasets, and so called
file system? How is it similar to z/OS?"

You can read about VSAM on VSE in the VSE guides.

SHR(4 x) was available on MVS/ESA and up, but for  file integrity no one
ever used it.

VSE file system is the same as MVS, without PDS. Instead VSE uses a library
system. But sequential files, VSAM files, ISAM files all work the same way.
Just the JCL is different.

In MVS, you have a DD statement to describe a file, In VSE, you use a
DLBL , EXTENT and ASSGN to define a file...

IN VSE, you assign units, and POWER virtualizes them. Example, a JOB
running in FA, FB and BG might all have the same ASSGN:


A  disk file:

//DLBL SYS009,'my.sequen.tial.file',0,SD
//EXTENT SYS009,VOL001,,,100,100 < Starting at track 100 for 100 tracks

//EXEC DITTO,REGION=1024K < Run the DITTO program

Also VSE is backwards with regards to some things.

In VSE,  you define the files first then EXEC  the phase. In MVS, you EXEC
the PGM/PROC first, then define the files.

In VSE EXEC specifies a PGM (aka phase) unless the PROC keyword is used. In
MVS, EXEC specifies a PROC, unless the PGM keyword is used.


On Sun, Nov 1, 2020 at 6:53 AM R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl> wrote:

> W dniu 31.10.2020 o 00:40, Joe Monk pisze:
> > Radoslaw,
> >
> > He is asking about shareoption (4 x)  not (x 4) aka cross-region sharing,
> > not cross-system sharing.
> >
> > In VSE, Shareoption(4) allows vsam file sharing among partitions (similar
> > to a z/os address space). VSE manages  that automatically, for the user.
> Well, I just learnt something new about VSAM. Thank you.
> Actually it is strictly related to z/VSE - this system is unknown for me
> (my research told me there were only two installations in Poland).
> For example I don't know what is partition in VSE and how it is differ
> from regular address spaces or just several jobs (in VSE) working with
> same shared VSAM file.
> BTW: Few questions
> Where can I read about VSAM SHR (4 x)?
> Was SHR (4 x) available on MVS or its predecessor?
> Is there any "introduction" of VSE disks usage, datasets, and so called
> file system? How is it similar to z/OS?
> However, regarding the subject I sustain that migration to Db2 is worth
> to analyze.
> Of course everything depends on many factors like appliation complexity,
> staff availability, MIPS in use, budget, plans for the future, etc.
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
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