On 4/29/21 10:09 AM, Charles Mills wrote:
I don't have any stake in this game but I kind of suspect the best 3270 emulator in the world is the one I am used to; and conversely, the worst 3270 emulator in the world is any other that I am being forced to use.


I wondered if something like 'pie in hand' might be the case.

But I do know that there is a big difference in the capabilities of various VT100 / ANSI terminal emulators (where I have more experience). Almost all of those emulators will perform a very basic function. But the differences almost always revolve around what features sit on top of basic terminal emulation; scripting / automation, connection parameter abilities, preferences / customization support, et al.

But I asked the question wondering if there was something that made $YourPreferredTerminalEmulator stand out for you. E.g. I like $FeatureX of $EmulatorY (for reasons).

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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