

Tom Brennan asked:

>Side subject - so how do you pronounce CPACF?  I always say each letter,

>but some IBM crypto folks say C-Pack-F


I spell it out. “See-pack-eff” makes my head hurt.


Chris Hoelscher added:

>Or, for that matter, is it C - I - C - S or KIX? (I use the former, but I
know many use the latter)


>René Jansen:

>My observation: Brits say KIX, Americans C-I-C-S and Germans, Austrians and
Swiss say SIKS.


And is it Italians or Brasilians who say “cheeks”? That’s my favorite.


>Charles Mills:

>When I moved Eastern to Western US many moons ago it seemed to me as if in
the East I had always heard the acronyms spelled out: D-O-S, C-I-C-S; but
that in the West I heard "doss" and "kicks."


I grew up in Southern Ontario, have been at vendors in the East for 35
years; I’ve always said “doss” and see-eye-see-ess. Go figure.


>DASD is always pronounced, isn't it? Does anyone ever say D-A-S-D?




>Db2 on the other hand is always spelled. No one ever says "dub-two."


But they mostly spell it wrong (“DB2”). That’s IBM’s fault for changing it.



>That is ok. I once had a senior manager ask me what was the difference
between C.I.C.S. and kicks. With a smile, l told him they are one in the


*one AND the same (just sayin’).


>Tom Brennan  <>

>Ha ha - now you reminded me of a phone call years ago with an ISV

>programmer in England (I'm in USA).  The guy said something like, "What

>does that Wah-Toe indicate?"  And I'm like, Wah-Toe????   Oh... it's WTO :)


A friend worked with someone who pronounced EVERYTHING like words. So
“CPACF” would probably be something like “suh-pack-eff”. Not recommending
this approach, mind you.


>I say C-I-C-S too.


>Oops... this is the stuff David Crayford said drives people away from

>this group.  I'll stop now.


Nah. As Dave Gibney notes, DELETE key is easy. But hijacking a thread is
arguably uncool (not complainin’ myself, just noting that there is a
reasonable argument that says “If you’re gonna change the subject, change
the subject”), hence this note!

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