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Welcome to the Open Mainframe Slack Workspace!
This workspace is for general discussion amongst Open Mainframe Project members and the broad community. Review the Slack Guidelines and follow the Open Mainframe Summit Code of Conduct. Here are some key channels to get started in. Check out the below channels for specific projects and working groups hosted at OMP...
#ambitus - Ambitus
#ade - ADE
#atomplugins - Atom language syntax highlighting for z/VM
#cobol-check - COBOL Check
#cobol-programming-course - COBOL Programming Course
#wg-cobol - COBOL Working Group
#consolez - ConsoleZ
#cbt-tape - CBT Tape
#feilong - Feilong
#genevaers - GenevaERS
#omp-education-project - Mainframe Open Education
#mentorship - Mentorship program
#wg-open-zos-enablement - Open z/OS Enablement
#polycephaly - Polycephaly
#software-discovery-tool - Software Discovery Tool
#tersedecompress - TerseDecompress
#tessia - Tessia
#zorow - Zorow
#zowe-user or #zowe-dev - Zowe
Other good channels to check out....
#academic - Discussion for students or those in academia
#marketing - Events and other outreach happening
#socialmedia - Share posts we can reshare on the OMP Twitter and LinkedIn
#linuxone - Discussion on Linux on Z
#zos-beginners - z/OS discussion
#zosmf-adoption - z/OSMF discussion

On 8/05/2021 5:11 am, David Crayford wrote:

This Slack workspace is not just for Zowe there are many different channels. They are a lot of young guys learning the ropes that would benefit from the guidance of experienced folks like we have in this forum. It's good fun :)

*Welcome to the Open Mainframe Slack Workspace!*This workspace is for general discussion amongst Open Mainframe Project members and the broad community. Review the Slack Guidelines <https://github.com/openmainframeproject/tac/blob/master/process/collaboration_tools.md#slack> and follow the Open Mainframe Summit Code of Conduct <https://github.com/openmainframeproject/tac/blob/master/process/code-of-conduct.md>. Here are some key channels to get started in.Check out the below channels for specific projects and working groups hosted at OMP <https://www.openmainframeproject.org/projects>...#ambitus <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CNPSBA21E> - Ambitus
#ade <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C5EHS8DUH> - ADE
#atomplugins <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CGEDRG9RB> - Atom language syntax highlighting for z/VM #cobol-check <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C01KU5GSTQS> - COBOL Check #cobol-programming-course <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C011NE32Z1T> - COBOL Programming Course #wg-cobol <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C01549LK4F8> - COBOL Working Group #consolez <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C01L6LB1HQR> - ConsoleZ #cbt-tape <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C01B0GVPR60> - CBT Tape #feilong <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C5GTMN4LV> - Feilong #genevaers <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C01711931GA> - GenevaERS #omp-education-project <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CVAEXLDGU> - Mainframe Open Education #mentorship <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C1BBXAC6L> - Mentorship program #wg-open-zos-enablement <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C01H6FJ8NCS> - Open z/OS Enablement #polycephaly <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C016LV85Z46> - Polycephaly #software-discovery-tool <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C014X0ALFAT> - Software Discovery Tool #tersedecompress <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CGEDR73EZ> - TerseDecompress #tessia <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C01FTHD5NQ5> - Tessia
#zorow <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CJ97KV140> - Zorow
#zowe-user <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CC08782AG> or #zowe-dev <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CBW5ET69G> - ZoweOther good channels to check out....#academic <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C1BC6HS81> - Discussion for students or those in academia #marketing <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C1BBT432A> - Events and other outreach happening #socialmedia <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/C014JF7A4EQ> - Share posts we can reshare on the OMP Twitter and LinkedIn #linuxone <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CA4HYKG4D> - Discussion on Linux on Z #zos-beginners <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CGREF2HJR> - z/OS discussion #zosmf-adoption <https://openmainframeproject.slack.com/archives/CGLJM7W4W> - z/OSMF discussion

On 8/05/2021 4:55 am, David Crayford wrote:
FYI, there's a Slack room dedicated to the Open Mainframe Project which covers topics such as Zowe and the new generation of tooling such as the VS Plugins for COBOL, PL/I and HLASM. It's quite busy and while it is mainly used by millennial's there are a few faces from IBMMAIN participating. Even if you're not a fan of Slack and IRC technologies it's interesting to lurk and browse the threads. Lots of COBOL related questions from guys learning the language which can only bode well for
the future of z/OS.


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