I should have review the doc also, I see now what you are saying, and if I was a betting man I'd think it was inadvertently documented in IEARBUP


On 10/8/2021 2:00 PM, Carmen Vitullo wrote:
I found on my 2.4 target sysres

SYS1.MACLIB(IEARBUP), the text your referred to is in this maco


On 10/8/2021 1:47 PM, Paul Schuster wrote:

In the z/os 2.4 MVS Programming: Authorized
Assembler Services Reference, Volume 2
(EDT-IXG) in the IEARBUP section, there is this sentence:

"Macro IEARBUPM provides equate symbols for the return and reason codes."

However, IEARBUPM doesn't seem to be in MACLIB or MODGEN.

So 1) was it inadvertently not shipped in MACLIB or MODGEN, or 2) was it inadvertently documented in IEARBUP?

Just wondering.

Thank you.


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