I have a client who has a customer that is in a pickle. Yes, of their own
making, but it is what it is. Government agency, limited budgets, long
procurement cycles, personnel constraints, etc. They are running z/OS V1R10
on a z114. They now have an urgent need to be able to run COBOL 6
executables. (Yes, there is a longer story here, but I think I have covered
the technical essentials.)

COBOL 6 executables absolutely require LE V2R1 or above. (Someone please
correct me if I am wrong.)

The z114 will support up to z/OS V2R2. V2R2 is of course withdrawn from
marketing. Can I get some help here? What are the chances that they could
obtain V2R2 media? Can anyone help me out? There is no desire to run pirated
software. Is there any route by which one obtains a license from IBM for
back-level z/OS?

One bit of good news: They are running V1R10 under VM so it would be
possible to install a new instance of V2R2; it is not necessary to upgrade
their running system.

Any other suggestions -- other than don't get yourself into pickles -- would
be welcomed. The use of an off-premises box does not appear to be a good
option because the COBOL 6 executables will have to read and update data
sets that are also used by online systems running on the existing V1R10 --
although not necessarily simultaneously.

Feel free to respond off-line if appropriate. Charlesm at mcn dot org


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