On Wed, 25 May 2022 14:46:20 -0500, Steve Beaver <st...@stevebeaver.com> wrote:

>I have learned more about SYSTEM Logstreams that I ever wanted to know.
>I have friend that produces BILLIONS of SMF/Logstream records per month,
>And has RETPD of 120 (ten years' worth). And each STAGE file is migrated
>Of within 24 hours.
>I am going to split this mess into DB2(100,101,102), SECURITY(80),CICS(110),
>RMF(70-79), and BILLING.
>There are 2 questions I have not been able to figure out.
>(1)   How does logger determine when a LOGGER STAGE file need to be
>(2)   All  if us at 00.01 force at "I SMF" a switch.  I have not been able
>To force a LOGGER Switch?
>Does anyone have ANY idea ideas?

For SMF Logstreams, there is no "I SMF" -- instead, only option is IFASMFDL 
(batch) invocation to offload any given / named SMF LOGSTREAM.  And consider 
staggering the individual START <started-task>  command invocations, that is if 
you are using zEDC and are not yet at z15, where/when PCIe card use is 

And as for "...need to be Expired?" - you can either exploit IFASMFDL ARCHIVE 
feature or otherwise using RETPD/AUTODELETE function.

And my recommendation is to separate DB2 SMF 101 and 102, mostly due to 
anticipated data-volume.  Also, some sites take action to capture/maintain an 
SCRT SMF LOGSTREAM as well mostly for convenience with using SMS MGMTCLAS 
retention / management when using DFHSM.  Similarly if using MQ, consider 
splitting MQ 116 from MQ 115, again due to data-volume.

Scott Barry

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