Hey Gm folks, anybody having issues with creating an order for rsu maintenance 
on shopz? I am trying to create a new maintenance order and upload the 
consolidated inventory report in step 2 of 5 but I keep getting the error 
below. First attempt was yesterday but it's still not working today.  By the 
way this worked for me 2 weeks ago, has anything changed I'm not aware of?

  1.  I create the report using PGM=GIMXSID,PARM='INVENTORY=IBM,L=ENU'
  3.  Upload to workstation in bin format
  4.  Try to upload to shopz (step 2 of 5) during order creation and get the 
error below.
  5.  Tried on multiple web browsers  (chrome and Edge)

ERROR: SZGP01: An error occurred while loading software report. Please try to 
upload it again.


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