Important:   The TIMEUSED macro is NOT throwing an error.   In the assembler 
routine, I changed the BNZ AGAIN to branch to an Abend:  BNZ ABEND_0001....    
It never branched to the abend label.   

This routine returns different results when invoked Static versus Dynamic from 
The values from the Dynamic call appear to be correct. 

05 WS-VALUE   PIC 9(12)V9(6)   COMP-5. 

Dynamic:  CALL WS-CPUTIME USING WS-VALUE    returns: 
00000000000000 V 002176    Run 1 
00000000000000 V 204318    Run 1

00000000000000 V 205151    Run 2
00000000000000 V 406169    Run 2 

00000000000000 V 406418    Run 3
00000000000000 V 596453    Run 3

00000000000000 V 596666    Run 4
00000000000000 V 787845    Run 4

Static:  CALL 'CPUTIME' USING WS-VALUE   returns:     (Compiler option is 
NODYNAM.  Invoking in Batch)  
00000000000000 V 000000      Run 1
04984731896912 V 019456
04984772785000 V 677376      Run 2 
04997547254689 V 562624

04997556669257 V 875456      Run 3
05009620716996 V 263936

05009629513089 V 286144     Run 4
05021729707272 V 437760

I have run out of ideas on what could cause the results to be different when 
the routine is invoked via a Static call.    

This is the assembler routine. 

       TITLE 'Get CPU TIME in Microseconds'                            
CPUTIME CSECT                                                          
CPUTIME AMODE 31                                                       
CPUTIME RMODE ANY                                                      
* Start: Program Entry                                                 
       STM     R14,R12,12(R13)     Save registers in callers's SaveArea
       LR      R12,R15             BASE REGISTER FOR THIS PGM = R12    
@PSTART EQU CPUTIME                                                    
       USING   @PSTART,R12                                             
       ST      R13,SaveArea+4      BACK CHAIN   : CALLER'S IN OUR'S    
       LA      R14,SaveArea                                            
       ST      R14,8(,R13)         FORWARD CHAIN: OUR'S INTO CALLER'S  
       LR      R13,R14             PUT ADDRESS OF OUR SAVEAREA IN R13           
*  PROGRAM LOGIC                                                       
THISPGM EQU  *                                                         
       L     R2,0(R1)    Parm 1:  PIC 9(12)V9(6) or 9(18) COMP-5.      
       BNZ   AGAIN                            
* Program Exit                   Successful   CC = 00                  
DONE   EQU *                                                        
       XR    R15,R15             RC=00                              
       L     R13,4(,R13)         Restore Caller's savearea Address  
       L     R14,12(,R13)        Caller's Return Address            
       LM    R0,R12,20(R13)      Restore caller's R0 thru R12       
       BR    R14                                                    
SAVEAREA DS 18F                                                     
DATA   LTORG                                                        
       COPY  REGISTER                                               

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