I think you have switched forums Phil.
This stream started on RACF-L

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of
Phil Smith III
Sent: 01 March 2023 21:48
Subject: Re: DATASET encryption POC

Eric D Rossman wrote, in part:
>Not really. Can you give me a reasonable use case where having the 
>encrypted data would be of ANY use to you? There is nothing to 
>compare/correlate. Since the data is (maybe compressed) and encrypted, 
>there is nothing to look at other than the length of a given record.

At a minimum, the ability to copy/compare data sets. If protection was at a
record level, it would be more useful. But I agree it'd be a fairly small
benefit here.

Again, though, that wasn't my full point: it'd be harmless at worst (and
provide the benefits I listed) at least; the problem, as I said, is that
it's been oversold as "Now you're protected from attacks" when you aren't.
That isn't your fault, it's a marketing/presentation thing.

>That is exactly the case we were trying to protect against: a 
>misconfigured system. Someone who has access to open the data set 
>should also have access to the key protecting it. If they do not, that 
>is a misconfiguration and one that we explicit explain how to avoid in 
>the red book.

OK, I guess.though I'd give the customer the option. And access is already
controlled by SAF; the point I was making is that in terms of access *on the
system*, the encryption doesn't provide any real protection against anything
except the two use cases I described. Put another way: in terms of access
*on the system* (and, again, besides storage admins) just adding a second
SAF profile to protect the data set - "This is an important data set, so you
need not only access to it implicitly as part of the DATASET class, but also
via a second profile in the VIP class" - the result would be the same.

>I disagree here as well. We're not merely trying to protect it from the 
>same things that SAF access protects it from. We are really protecting 
>it from the storage admins (i.e. on DASD as well as on the wire).
>Security is a layered approach.

Right, I said that. That's one of the two things it DOES provide protection
from. But that's not an attack vector people commonly worry about in my

>A.k.a. a layered approach. DASD encryption, data set encryption, and 
>format-preserving encryption are all pieces of the puzzle. Each 
>protects from a different attack vector. There are use cases where data 
>set encryption is the right solution and others where field-level FPE 
>is and others where both are good together.

I don't disagree-again, however, people are sold on "We encrypted something,
now we're protected!" and I think that's doing a disservice to the
customers. And cases where data set encryption alone provides real
protection seem to be pretty few and far between.

>Oh, by the way, ICSF provides FPE which fits beautifully into this.

ICSF provides Visa FPE, which is malleable and thus only usable if you use a
different key for each element. That's a very significant limitation that
makes Visa FPE not really very useful, since it breaks referential
integrity. FF1 is NIST-standard, not malleable, better. The doc I've seen
about FPE through ICSF also doesn't make this very clear, which concerns me:
it's too easy for people to miss it and wind up with protection that's
trivially breakable.

Just to reiterate: whole-data set encryption isn't a Bad Thing, it just sort
of becomes one when people get fooled into thinking it solves their
encryption needs, when it really does only a tiny part of that. That leaves
a bad taste in my mouth, so I'm probably overly negative about it as a
result: it's clearly at least somewhat useful as an adjunct.


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