I agree completely. It’s government’s job to protect the downtrodden & 
redistribute income. Even people like Warren Buffett have pushed for higher 
taxes on the wealthy. So what actually happened? The tax cuts of 2017 went 
mostly to the top 1%. Sheldon Adelson saved 700 million. Not a bad return for 
the 30 million he gave Republicans for the 2018 midterms or the donations he 
made in 2016.

AI is going to cause many currently in the middle class and below to drop 
further down. I think UBI, universal basic income will be necessary. Finland 
has experimented with it and has seen promising results. Some US cities have 
tried or are trying it. Other countries are implementing it. Most countries not 
spelled America have universal healthcare. And WHO rates them higher than the 
US. (WHO rates US healthcare 37th, France is number 1)

You’re also correct that income disparity causes other societal issues. Higher 
crime & earlier deaths to name two.

Your kids deserve a fighting chance and if necessary government help.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 12:30 PM, Matt Hogstrom <m...@hogstrom.org> wrote:

Perhaps I’m just entering that golden period where I look at news like this and 
consider that technology like AI being unleashed has secondary, and negative, 
consequences of people losing jobs, income, etc.  It makes the divide worse and 
causes angst, bitterness and redistribution of wealth as a necessity.  One of 
my adopted foster kids will have difficulty crossing the chasm to make a living 
given some of his disabilities.  It’s not just technology but there is an 
increasing societal consideration to be factored in.

Matt Hogstrom

“It may be cognitive, but, it ain’t intuitive."
— Hogstrom

> On May 2, 2023, at 12:11 PM, Lionel B. Dyck <lbd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So sad.  No more entry level, or trivial, jobs for those just starting out in 
> the job market. No more mail room to board room opportunities.
> Lionel B. Dyck <><
> Website: https://www.lbdsoftware.com
> Github: https://github.com/lbdyck
> “Worry more about your character than your reputation. Character is what you 
> are, reputation merely what others think you are.”  - - - John Wooden

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