On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 12:50:12PM -0500, Pierre Fichaud wrote:
> I'm back onto this problem.
> I wrote a proof-of-concept program and it works.
> I've modified an existing z/OS product and my changes don't work.

This is the first we've heard that all the related code wasn't
yours (or part of z/OS open/close/eov).

Do you have the source to the product with the failing case?

I'm guessing NO, as this would be easy to search the source for
modifications to DCB fields.

Are you providing the DCB to the product and the product 
modifies it?  Who issues the open you or the product?

It's clear now that the product is modifying the DCB before the open.

Anyway, however you got your dumps of the DCB before the open you could
instead at that point in execution zero out the DCB LRECL and BLKSIZE
fields, then let the open proceed.

This might not take having the source to the product.

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