I don't understand what's the implication of z/OS here;
we are using Smart/Restart, too, but IMO this is only application programming,
no support from the OpSys needed.

Applications running with Smart/Restart write Checkpoints with every DB2 Commit, that is, they record the keys involved with the controlling DB2 cursors AND the read and write positions of the sequentials files in a Smart/Restart specific Checkpoint area (which can be a DB2 table, but also sequential files). On restart, the DB2 cursors need to be repositioned, same goes for the sequential files. But IMO that's all application business ...

I don't see how the OpSys is involved here ... other than the basic services
(DB2 Commit and positioning of files) must be provided.

Kind regards


Am 18.06.2023 um 09:59 schrieb Binyamin Dissen:
On Sat, 17 Jun 2023 19:50:01 -0700 Tom Ross <tmr...@stlvm20.vnet.ibm.com>

:>  Does anyone know if there are people/applications using checkpoint/restart 
:>COBOL applications?  The doc only shows it is usable in programs that use 
:>I have not heard of customers doing this in years, but someone in IBMMAIN 
:>know better than me!  The reason for the question is that IBM is considering
:>removing that capability from z/OS and we are wondering how much of an impact,
:>if any, this would be on COBOL applications?  (Actually PL/I also, but I work
:>in COBOL so kind of focused on that :-)

The Smart/Restart product uses it and runs COBOL applications.

Binyamin Dissen <bdis...@dissensoftware.com>

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

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