On 01.07.2023 14:17, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Sorry, my bad.  "autECLConnList" is probably an array so you may want to try either "str = autoECLConnList[1]~name" or "str = autoECLConnLista~t(1)~name" instead.

Ah, just saw in the ooRexx support list that Erich was able to introspect it (so he probably has EHLLAPI installed on his machine). This is what he writes:

    str = connList(1)~Name

   connList(1) is not a method invocation, but a simple function call - but we
   have no function called "connList".
    From the docs you'd think that connList[1] should work, but it doesn't (not
   sure why the docs show it like this).
   To figure out what is actually implemented, use the samples\ole\methinfo
   sample with input "PCOMM.autECLConnList"
   Among others, it will list
   VT_DISPATCH ConnInfo([in] VT_VARIANT Index)
   Given a numeric index, returns one of the items in the collection.

   So this code works:

   do c = 1 to connList~count
   conn = connList~connInfo(c)
   say conn~name conn~connType conn~codepage conn~started conn~ready

so to translate this to the variables names the IBM docs and the ooRexx 
transcription uses:

   autoECLConnList = .OleObject~new("PCOMM.autECLConnList")
   str = autECLConnList~connInfo(1)~Name


("connInfo" is probably a default property such that VBA would refer to it.)

Also an interesting link (just found it searching for "connInfo" in addition) in this context may be: <https://techsupt.winbatch.com/webcgi/webbatch.exe?techsupt/nftechsupt.web+WinBatch/OLE~COM~ADO~CDO~ADSI~LDAP/Samples~from~Users+IBM~Personal~Communications~Connect~Via~COM.txt>.

(If transcribing VBA code to ooRexx usually replacing the dot (.) in statements with a tilde (~) would be enough already to make it run under ooRexx.)


( VBA/OLE arrays may use indexes from 0 up to size-1, but could also - and sometimes do - arbitrarily define the lower bound index and the upper bound index).


If you want to use the OLE interface from ooRexx then the documentation "Windows Extensions Reference" in "winextensions.pdf" in "Chapter 8. OLE Automation" will be helpful.


Also the tools of "OLEInfo" may be helpful (even for other languages than 
ooRexx using OLE) :

 * listProgIds.rex ... lists all OLE/COM ProgIds, one can optionally filter the 
   output to contain supplied string chunks (it is always interesting to see 
what your Windows
   machine has installed)

 * createOleInfo.rex ... queries and documents the published attributes, 
   constants and events of OLE Windows programs in a verbose (includes 
published constants) or in a
   terse form (the latter is meant to serve as a sort of reference that one can 
put next to the
   keyboard); the generated documentation is HTML with a CSS for formatting and 
includes the
   arguments, their published names and types

 * getOleConstants.rex ... creates an ooRexx package (program) that makes all 
published constants
   available to Rexx programs via the environment symbol ".ole.const"

E.g., if you ever wanted to see all published Excel methods, events, attributes in a terse (reference) form then you could issue:

   createOleInfo.rex Excel.Application 1

and maybe in your case you could try e.g.:

   createOleInfo.rex PCOMM.autECLConnList

You can get OLEInfo from my sandbox at <https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/code-0/HEAD/tree/sandbox/rony/oleinfo/> where the readme.txt file gets displayed such that you can study at a little bit more detail. To download it you could press the button at the right hand corner of the line named "Tree [r12695]/..." labeled "Download Snapshot" which creates a zip-archive of that part of the source code tree that then can be downloaded.



On 30.06.2023 17:13, Farley, Peter wrote:
No luck I am afraid:

      5 *-* str = autECLConnList(1)~Name
Error 43 running C:\Users\myname\Documents\testdir\testhacl.rex line 5:  
Routine not found.
Error 43.1:  Could not find routine "AUTECLCONNLIST".

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List<IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>  On Behalf Of 
Rony G. Flatscher
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2023 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: Using EHLLAPI from ooRexx

Just noted that the mailer ruined the syntax:

         autoECLConnList = .OleObject~new("PCOMM.autECLConnList")
         str = autECLConnList(1)~Name


On 30.06.2023 09:22, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
On 30.06.2023 08:46, Farley, Peter wrote:
Thanks for the link David, but that seems to be tied intimately to
x3270, and I need it to work with PCOMM.

Also investigating PCOMM HACL (Host Access Class Library) as an
alternative, using VBScript (<*Sigh*>, yet another language to learn).
Judging from
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/personal-comm unications/15.0?topic=SSEQ5Y_15.0.0*com.ibm.pcomm.doc*books*html*host_access08.html__;Ly8vLw!!Ebr-cpPeAnfNniQ8HSAI-g_K5b7VKg!OHS9_k-XSvFBFZyLGLsofx1K3_bpc7Pb70Zhae2AclS3_irQqT4UewjjkGikadAo6rgTf_y3zKD0tgb45uP95EcVnD0QEVU4$ >  there are OLE APIs which should allow you to use the Windows version of ooRexx as it supports OLE.
That is the reason why you can code in ooRexx for MS Excel, MS Word,
MS Powerpoint and the like, just look up the ooRexx samples in
"ooRexx\samples\ole\apps" where you would see also samples for 
OpenOffice/LibreOffice via OLE.

So looking at the VBA example:

    |Dim Str as String Dim autECLConnList as Object Dim Num as Long Set
autECLConnList =
    CreateObject("PCOMM.autECLConnList") autECLConnList.Refresh Str =

try the following in ooRexx:

    autoECLConnList = .OleObject~new(|PCOMM.autECLConnList")|
    str = autECLConnList(1)~Name

Does that work for you?


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List<IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>   On
Behalf Of David Crayford
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2023 11:48 PMTo:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU
Subject: Re: Using EHLLAPI from ooRexx

It may be easier to

On 29 Jun 2023, at 10:56 pm, Farley, Peter<0000031df298a9da-dmarc-requ...@listserv.ua.edu>  wrote:

Hi All,

I have sent this question to the ooRexx help list but have not yet
seen an answer.  Hoping someone here has been down this path and can help cure 
my ignorance.

I have an automation task before me that needs some complex 3270
screen interactions, so I was hoping to use ooRexx from the company laptop (Windows 10) using the EHLLAPI interface to PCOMM.

I started with a simple logon script to learn the connection/setup
requirements, and after (I
thought) successfully executing rxfuncadd for the EHLLAPI interface,
the first actual call to EHLLAPI (for the Connect function) gets
oorexx error 43.1, cannot find routine EHLLAPI, indicating to me that the rxfuncadd did not really work.

Then it occurred to me to ask how does rxfuncadd know where to find
the EHLLAPI DLL?  Is there some environment variable that needs to
be set pointing to the PCOMM directory where the DLL is stored?

There is some old Rexx EHLLAPI interface material in the PCOMM V6
documentation available on the web, but I now have PCOMM V14 on my
machine and it seems that the Rexx examples have disappeared from the V14 documentation (at least I didn't find any).

I am a little "lost at sea" here, so I would appreciate any help or
RTFM you can provide.  Or better yet a publicly available set of example scripts for EHLLAPI interactions with PCOMM.


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