On Sat, 9 Sep 2023 09:50:06 -0400, william giannelli wrote:

>I downloaded the files to my laptop. but they didnt appear as "zipped" file
>with the .Z
What OS?  That's probably more important than the hardware.

>I tried renaming the file with a ".zip" extension but that made the file
That probably makes it worse.

What's the provenance of the .pax.Z?
OMVS will create a POSIX-compressed file with "pax -zw"
Most desktop systems will create a deflated (gzip) file with "pax -zw".

Linux et al. will  automatically detect deflated format and inflate it,
but won't recognize the POSIX compressed.  However, "pax -rz"
will expand either deflated or POSIX compressed files.


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