
On Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 3:26 PM Schmitt, Michael
<michael.schm...@dxc.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to transfer sysout type data from a remote, non-mainframe 
> system, into a JES3 spool? From which already existing tasks will grab the 
> output according to destination, class, writer, etc.
> Such as, use some product or capability to connect and transfer to a TCP/IP 
> port.
> Most of what I see is going the other direction, answering the question of 
> "how do I get this report from the JES spool to my printer/pc/file 
> server/etc?" But I need to get it into JES3, because the existing report 
> distribution software wants to grab it from there.
> I thought I remembered being able to inject jobs into the IEFRDER via FTP, 
> and thought perhaps could also transfer to sysout, but don't see it in the 
> Communications Server manual.
> Bonus points for a solution that will also work with JES2, after the 
> inevitable end-of-support for JES3.
> ______________________________________________
> Michael Schmitt | DXC Apps Development | MassMutual
> (737) 910-8248 | michael.schm...@dxc.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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