What bugs me about the newbies hating this "reminiscing" is they may run into a situation where they can't get something to work because they don't understand why the code has to be processed in a certain fashion.

Many restrictions have been removed, but some still exist.

And then there are certain people who just can't read tech English and understand it (don't start, I write manuals, and I get complaints, in fact one ISV wanted me to put in pictures for SMP/E installs, and I showed them an IBM Program Directory manual they should use as a model and they promptly rejected the idea).

So back to the first sentence, this "forum" if they know where it is and can search it, may be where they will find answers in, what?, today and even more so in 10-15 years from now? And related lists such a VM_List, TSO_REXX....

Just say'n'

Steve Thompson

On 11/10/2023 4:06 AM, David L. Craig wrote:
On 23Nov08:1703+0000, Schmitt, Michael wrote:

Are we violating the "no reminiscing" rule?
No, we're providing historical data for the young'uns.
What's the latest that people still used punched cards and/or paper tape?
In the 21st Century, I encountered an IOCP deck for a 3081
at a shop that shall remain nameless.  I'll guess it was
prepared ~1985.

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