Chris Meyer wrote:
>I checked with the System SSL folks on this.  

>It sounds like what you're observing is a difference in default System
>SSL certificate validation mode settings Between TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3.
>See the description of the System SSL GSK_CERT_VALIDATION_MODE
>parameter in this table:
>Note that the default for TLSv1.2 (and earlier) is ANY, which initally
>validates against RFC 2459 which has the relaxed requirements
>regarding the critical bit. For TLSv1.3, however, System SSL defaults
>to RFC 5280 checking which requires the critical bit to be set.

>Based on what you've said in this thread, I'm assuming that you have
>not specified a value for GSK_CERT_VALIDATION_MODE, as that would
>result in the behavior you described.

Ah HAH -- this has to be it! An no, we are not specifying a 

All the doc says ANY is and remains the default. Are you saying that the 
default silently changes when it's TLSv1.3? If so, is that a code bug or a doc 

It looks like an environment variable can change that setting, too. I'm going 
to see if I can get someone to replace the certificate with the "bad" one and 
try that. If that'll get us around it, we'll be good--if some customer hits it, 
we can say "Add this" and they'll be good to go. As I think I wrote before, I'm 
not all that worried about that happening, since any real modern root cert 
SHOULD have BC set correctly, but it would be good to know.


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