> If he clones the existing target and dlib zones, updates the DDDEFs and 
> receives the new version, will SMPE try to delete the old FMID and/or the 
> contents of the existing libraries?

Typically a new release of a product does delete the prior releases.  If you 
are careful to update all DDDEF entries in the new target and dlib zones to 
point to the new target and dlib data sets, then you should be safe from 
accidentally deleting the existing FMID in the existing data sets.  But if you 
are concerned then don't clone the existing target and dlib zones and 
libraries; just create new, which should be about the same amount of work as 
cloning, and the new product release I suspect supplies sample jobs to do 
exactly that.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |  ku...@us.ibm.com

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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