I used to add my own commands to the ISPF command table.  But somehow I got out 
of the habit; I went to a new site, didn't get around to it, got used to just 
putting "TSO" in front of commands, then forgot where to go to do it the other 
way.  Now I can find the command table again, but why?  I'm used to the "TSO" 
prefix, I do it without thinking about it.

This, be it known, is an invitation to tell me "oh, but there are other 
advantages to the commands table...", which I either never knew or have 

Bob Bridges, robhbrid...@gmail.com, cell 336 382-7313

/* In order to write for "The A-Team", you'd have to be a much better writer 
than most of those who write the evening news at networks and local stations — 
forget about shows like "Hill Street Blues" or "The Muppet Show", where writing 
REALLY counts.  -Linda Ellerbee, _And So It Goes_ */

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