Webcam when they open the binder to enter the password. 1. Very unlikely. 2. Much more effort for hacker. 3. Not everyone has
a camera. 4. Small chance the camera will show binder content - it is like card game (poker, bridge) - you see figures, but a guy in front of you sees other side of the cards. :-) 5. It is also unlikely the camera scope covers keyboard and small part of desktop behind. We use cameras to show our faces, not panties. 6. Current laptops and cameras usually have blend built in. 7. For those laptops without the diaphragm there are diaphragm on sticker. I have one from Rocket Software just in front of me (thank you! :-) ). And dozen of similar veils in my drawer. 8. No, it is not true the tape is not effective veil/screen. It is. Even typical office transparent tape - yes, transparent. Just try to use it and read anything. Obviously painter tape, PVC tape or other are even better. <sarcasm mode> Don't forget about hidden camera in your chandelier, especially in Watergate building.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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