>As to the initial question, as pointed out, it depends on the type of the SVC. 
>The SVC owner knows what type it is (because they defined it) and can look in 
>the right place for that type of SVC, just as they look in the right place for 
>the caller's regs (for which the answer is different than the psw/key, but 
>similarly depends on the type of the SVC.

I had the idea that this code in the SVC would give me the key the SVC caller 
was executing in:

        USING RBBASIC,R5          POINT TO REQUEST BLOCK          
        L     R7,RBLINK           LOAD CALLER RB IN REG 7         
        DROP  R5                  DROP SVC RB MAPPING             
        USING RBBASIC,R7          AND NOW MAP CALLER RB           
        L     R1,RBOPSW           GET CALLER PSW AND PUT IN REG 1 
        N     R1,=X'00F00000'     ONLY PSW KEY                    
        SRL   R1,16               SHIFT TO 000000K0               
        ST    R1,KEY              STORE CALLER KEY     
        DC    H'0'                    FORCE ABEND           

However, when I call this SVC from an problem program the switches to key 9 
before the call:

         SPKA  X'90'(0)                      SWITCH TO KEY 9
         SVC   255                                          

I see that R1 has a value of x'00000080' (key 8) at the time of the abend, 
where I was expecting x'00000090'.
Is see that it is possible that there are more request blocks. I'm I not 
looking at the right one, and if so, how do you know if you reached the top RB, 
or is my approach really wrong?

Kind regards,

Erik Janssen.

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