On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 10:56:57 -0500, John McKown <john.archie.mck...@gmail.com> 
>Not a lot in it, but some $ figures.
>The zBC12 includes a number of performance enhancements over IBM's previous
>"midrange" offering, the z114. It uses a faster, 4.2GHz 64-bit
>z/Architecture processor (an improvement over the z114's 3.8GHz CPUs), and
>has twice the maximum memory of the z114 at 498GB. And as far as mainframes
>go, the zBC12 is priced to move, starting at $75,000 - or for lease starting
>at $1,965 a month. That's roughly half the cost of buying the equivalent
>computing power in commodity x86 hardware.

Roughly half the cost of equivalent x86? Who do they think they're trying to 
kid? The $75,000 model is going to be the absolute rock-bottom low-end model -- 
when the z114 was announced they were very coy about exactly what were the 
specs of the entry level model, but it's probably going to be 1 IFL core, 8GB 
RAM, and no disk storage. Possibly not even a network adapter.

You can get the equivalent x86-64 computing power for well under $5000, and 
that includes 8-core Xeon processor, 16GB memory, 4TB disk storage, dual 
hotswap power supply, and dual Gigabit ethernet

Oh, and the x64 fits in a standard rack and has less than half the power and 
cooling requirements of the zBC12 (ref: IBM zEnterprise BC12 Technical Guide)

Roger Bowler
Hercules "the people's mainframe"

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