There are about a thousand questions here that we should have answers to but 
don't, so please bear with me here.

We have a customer with a CICS transaction hang problem that happens 
intermittently at high load times. We've been able to verify that it's making 
it out of CICS, doing a PC off to our server. Things clear up eventually; we 
have various diagnostics in our server that look like things are ok, but we're 
seeing it after the fact, which of course doesn't prove much.

One possibility is that WLM is throttling our server. The hangs *seem* to 
happen at five-minute intervals. Doing some Googling suggests that WLM does 
*something* on 5-minute boundaries. Does this suggest anything to anyone? Like, 
does WLM throttling occur on  those 5-minute boundaries?

Yes, I'm Easter Egging. Will hopefully be able to get some real information 
tomorrow when the problem is occurring, but in the meantime, some pointers 
would be useful.

And also yes, I'm trying to grok some WLM books! Having an eye infection that's 
forcing me to read with one eye isn't helping...

Thanks in advance,

Phil Smith III

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