On 21 August 2013 20:39, Barry Merrill <ba...@mxg.com> wrote:

> It's an easy JCL exercise to conduct an experiment to confirm what happens:
> TRSMAIN/AMATERSE will read a truncated tersed file and never detect it was 
> truncated.
> I copied a 105472 byte valid tersed file into a 
> The original untersed to 360,480 bytes, while the truncated file untersed to 
> only 48152,
> and there was no message nor warning that the input file was short.

Can you look at the last record in the truncated tersed dataset and
see if it's zero-padded? Strictly one should look for a 12-bit zero,
but a run of three of the 8-bit kind we're more used to would more
than do the trick.

Tony H.

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