On 13 September 2013 15:14, Charles Mills <charl...@mcn.org> wrote:
> Okay! Dave, can you find any Enterprise COBOL 5.1 shelf for Softcopy

I did a little poking around, since it wasn't obvious where Softcopy
Librarian was getting its info. You set up an Internet "source" such as
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com (I can't remember if SR comes with this built
in, or if I got it from somewhere else, but I think the former.) So when
you click on it, SL does an HTML GET for /epubs/df/ebrscrt.des on that
site. This file contains a barely structured list of filenames and
comments, and *that* is where that "Sep 2012" string on the "z/OS V1R13 and
Software Products Collection  PDF/BookMgr" comes from. Evidently no one
changed the comment, even though the file dates are 13 Sept 2013.

So the file for this Collection is /epubs/df/zosv1r13.des, and that,
despite the same .des filetype, contains a much more structured - though
not XML - list of .bks, .xks, .boo and .pdf files, and some other metadata.
You can see these in a browser, but unfortunately the directories
containing the files (/epubs/book, /epubs/pdf, and /epubs/bkshelf) are not

Now looking at the page
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27036733 that was
mentioned for COBOL, the PDF files are on the very same
publib.boulder.ibm.com server as the SL files.

So all it would take would be for someone at IBM pubs (if there's anyone
left), to edit the file zosv1r13.des and insert six PDF filenames for
COBOL. Or they could do it right and actually create a .xks bookshelf file
as well; even Softcopy Reader can do that.

As for whether there's any way to fake this by putting your own descriptor
files somewhere, well perhaps, if you have a local web server that can
serve the /epubs/df directory locally, and redirect all others to the IBM
site. Or perhaps you could use the proxy support in SL to redirect
selectively. But then you'd still need to know the filenames, and by the
time you've done that you might as well do it all (heh) manually.

Friday Fun.

Tony H.

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