I'd like to draw your attention to another very recent COBOL innovation,
the IBM COBOL Binary Optimizer for z/OS. This experimental tool is
available here:


Unlike Enterprise COBOL 5.1, the COBOL Binary Optimizer is not ready for
production and may never be. It's an experimental tool available at no
charge, and you can try it out to see how it works. As its name suggests,
the COBOL Binary Optimizer can read a COBOL program module binary (without
source code) and adjust the binary's machine instructions to optimize for
newer zEnterprise machine models. The COBOL Binary Optimizer currently
recognizes program module binaries compiled with Enterprise COBOL 4.x,
Enterprise COBOL 3.x, and COBOL for OS/390 and VM Version 2. z/OS 1.11 or
higher is required to run the tool, and the tool can target z10, z196/z114,
and zEC12/zBC12 model generations.

The Optimizer does not require the program source code. Please do not use
this tool for production deployments. As mentioned, the tool is
experimental, an early peak into some possible (but not promised) future
COBOL capabilities in future compilers and runtimes. For production
optimization (and many other benefits) your first step is to start
compiling COBOL code with Enterprise COBOL 5.1.

Timothy Sipples
GMU VCT Architect Executive (Based in Singapore)
E-Mail: sipp...@sg.ibm.com
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