On Oct 2, 2013, at 8:32 AM, M Baker <baker...@gmail.com>

> "I remember 
> reading that Fred Brooks regrets that it wasn't the systems programming 
> language for OS/360. I suppose because it was a  big, complex language 
> for the time it didn't quite make the cut."
> I've always been kind of curious about that.

According to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PL/I#Early_history):

"The language was first specified in detail in the manual “PL/I Language 
Specifications. C28-6571” written in New York from 1965 and superseded by “PL/I 
Language Specifications. GY33-6003” written in Hursley from 1967. IBM continued 
to develop PL/I in the late sixties and early seventies, publishing it in the 
GY33-6003 manual. These manuals were used by the Multics group and other early 

"The first compiler was delivered in 1966. The Standard for PL/I was approved 
in 1976."

So I think the answer to the question "Why wasn't PL/I used for OS/360?" is "It 
didn't exist yet."

Curtis Pew (c....@its.utexas.edu)
ITS Systems Core
The University of Texas at Austin

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