On 2013-10-04 13:35, Tony Harminc wrote:
>When you say they're unwilling to accept s390 patches, do you really mean 
they're unwilling to accept patches for z/OS or UNIX System Services?  Because 
Python has been running on Linux on S/390 and System z for a very long time now.
It's mostly explicit hostility to EBCDIC (the author actually compared
the notion of hard-coding ASCII to hard-coding the notion of 8-bit
bytes), but there's also extreme skepticism toward the importance of
mainframes in the real world.

Tony H.

Mark, Tony is right, it's mostly all about EBCDIC, which means the hostility is directed toward the operating systems that use EBCDIC as opposed to the hardware platform. Sorry for being inexact.


Regards, Gord Tomlin
Action Software International
(a division of Mazda Computer Corporation)
Tel: (905) 470-7113, Fax: (905) 470-6507

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