On Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:38:30 -0500, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:
>>>Isn't PCRE written in C?
>>Yes, and that's why I had to provide binaries which is NOT ideal,
>>because the binaries are IBM1047 specific
>What prevents you from testing the locale? Also, isn't gcc available
>for z/OS?
So the programmer codes in a regex /[abc]/, where '[' and ']' are
radically locale-sensitive.  Must PCRE query the locale to suss out
what '[' means, or translate all input and output to a canonical
character set?  This would be a massive source change, unlikely
to be accepted back into the mainstream source tree (cf. Python).

Making gcc a prerequisite might be onerous.  And to my knowledge
all z/OS ports of gcc are biased toward legacy data sets and against
UNIX files, which I regard as a flaw.

-- gil

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