On Sun, 5 Jan 2014 08:29:06 -0700, Lizette Koehler wrote:

>I found this on the web for z/OS V2.1. It might help with some of the
>changes coming up with this version
> http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/data/flash/dk/resources/ITSO/IBM_z-OS_v2.1_Technical_Update_-_Marna_Walle_%28Dec_3rd%29.pdf
    [wrap repaired (I think) -- gil]
>Or tinyurl     http://tinyurl.com/mmee9q9
>One of the enhancements is PARMDD:
>Enhance PARM to 32k characters with
>PARMDD statement
>- Many programs have a need for parameter strings that exceed that limit.
I'm glad they recognized that -- they denied it for ever so long.

>- Due to control block considerations there a prevention of any significant
>compatible expansion beyond the 100 character limit.
Regrettable.  A compatible syntax would have been preferable, even if they
had needed to covertly generate a temp DS.

>New JOBCARD parameter to change the way an ENQUEUE is handled for the life
>of the job. 
Again, long awaited.

>Change to do HSM recalls in parallel rather than serially
I hadn't heard that.  Only in job processing?  It would also be
valuable if ISPF DSLIST did likewise.

>New system symbols
Not mentioned (tsk, tsk) symbol substitution in instream data sets.

>It is 430 pages.
Far behind P[ro]Op.

-- gil

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