On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 12:44:42 -0500, Rob Schramm <rob.schr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Does it really matter as much as it used to?  The amount of cache on a dasd
>subsystem and overall i/o seems more relevant for paging spikes.  Not that
>i am advocating a complete dismissal of all the normal considerations..
>but since writes are done to cache..  isn't it the foremost attribute these

"Normal considerations" including page-ins in parallel with VIO and perhaps SVC 
dump capture.  Cache will not relieve an I/O bottleneck even if you have 100GB 
of paging space, with 100GB of cache in front of it, with nothing else using 
that cache, if that 100GB is defined on 1 EAV.  IOSQ can be a problem if paging 
datasets or volumes are too large and too few.  Hence my emphasis on 
questioning page dataset and page volume counts, and follow up considerations 
for HiperPAV.  I was more interested in the software view of paging 
configuration, but I am learning some interesting things about hardware along 
the way.

Art Gutowski
General Motors Corporation

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